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December 2015 - Resident Magazine (Wellness)
Using the Feng Shui Wisdom to Plant the Seed of Wellness in 2016

“Many successful people know the important of working smart, as opposed to just working hard. This often means mastering the politics that have formed helpful alliances.

In this exciting time, the impossible can be made possible if you simply take the time to step back and think about how to best wrap up the year, beginning 2016 with the momentum you hope for.”

November 2015 - Resident Magazine (Wellness)
Create Abundance this Thanksgiving Through Feng Shui

“The advice and spiritual messages I have been sharing over the past year have helped many people move their homes into states that are even more suited to the message of feng shui.

Thus, when Thanksgiving arrives, there's more abundance than ever before.”

October 2015 - Resident Magazine (Wellness)
How Clearing Your Home Makes Room for Good Energy to Come

“Most people make time to refresh their tecnical devices to ensure they can run smoothly, yet not nearly as many give as much priority to refreshing the energy in their own homes; this is actually the core to general wellbeing.”

September 2015 - Resident Magazine (Wellness)
The Impact of Colors on Your Fashion and Your Home

“A picture is worth a thousand words, because the colors and patterns radiate a subconscious message that accentuates who we are in that particular moment of time.

Therefore, it is important to be wise when choosing personal colors, whether as a fashion statement of while creating a home or working space that enhances your life and brings you positive energy.”

August 2015 - Resident Magazine (Wellness)
Hot to use Summer Mementos to improve the Energy of your Mind and Space

“August is a good time to aquire objects from the summer that have happy memories and positive energy associated with them.

Metaphysically, the time and location where the object was collected come with a vibration, and therefore, an emotional sensation.”

July 2015 - Resident Magazine (Wellness)
Free Up Your Energy this Independence Day

“More people could live a joyous life, if they only realize the key is to know how to live the now, reflecting on the representation of what holidays, special occasions, and seasonal changes mean emotionally.

Most people need to slow down to "feel it," instead of just being busy "living it". So during this July, when most people associate Independence Day with barbecues, gatherings, and activities, be an awakened person, choosing to ask yourself the question, "how free am I, and what is weighting me down?"”

June 2015 - Resident Magazine (Wellness)
The Best Kept Secret to True Success

“Most people who reach their highest aspirations very often have stable, loving and supportive relationships around them; therefore, they can have the energy, motivation, focus and confidence to command respect professionally and socially.

We are the product of our environment; we can project a solid energy in the day if our nights are in the relaxed state of Yin (gentleness) that balances from the proactive state of Yang (intensiveness) during the day.”

May 2015 - Resident Magazine (Wellness)
Using Feng Shui to Reset & Harmonize Relationships

“Timing is everything, especially when making efforts to improve and reset your relationships. By leveraging authentic Feng Shui principles, the seasonal intervals in a lunar cycle, and the Five Elements Personality Profiles, you can achieve this and even nurture relationships.

The true essence of Feng Shui is balancing the Yin Yang Theory and the influence of the Five Elements on personality and location. These Five Elements are water, wood, fire, earth and metal.”